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Wishing for Wilder

Wishing for Wilder

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 300+ 5-star reviews

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I was too young to understand the beauty of what I held in my arms when she crashed into my world.


Frankie Young was never far from Wilder’s mind, so when she came back into his life after nearly a decade, it was as if no time had passed. There was no denying what they still had was extraordinary and, he thought, forever.

But when Frankie discovers something Wilder has been hiding, the betrayal is too much to bear, and she walks away from the only person she thought she could trust.

Wilder’s lies broke her heart, but her walking away shattered what was left of his… until Frankie returns with a confession that changes everything.

sneak peek

Just when I rounded a corner, a blur of a woman crashed into me so hard I barely had time to reach out before she fell to the ground.

Instinct had me pulling her up, but as she tossed her hair back, her features came into view, and the moment those soft, caramel-colored strands brushed against my face, I recognized that sweet cherry scent. And the second her bright-blue eyes locked onto mine, my chest, along with another part of me, swelled at the sight of Frankie all grown up. Good Christ, she was a knockout. “Wilder?” She squealed and clapped her hands, then threw her arms around me. “I can’t believe it’s you!”

What I really wanted to do was hike the skirt she was wearing up and plant her against the wall so I could sink inside her, but what I did was hug her back, then forced myself to put distance between us. I did a languid sweep of her curvy body, and I couldn’t not tell her how amazing she was. “You look good, Grace.”

She blushed and nibbled on her lip. “I seriously can’t believe I ran into you like that. Again. What are you doing here?”

“My brother got married, so we’re having a guys’ night… kind of a delayed bachelor party.”


“What are you doing here?” I surveyed the area, the surprise at seeing her flowing into a familiar ache, thinking she was there with a man. “You with your boyfriend?”

She stared blankly for a second. “Who?”

“That guy you were with the last time I saw you.”

“At the fair?”


Her nose scrunched up adorably. “I don’t even remember that guy’s name. It was so long ago.”

Just thinking about her with another man made my fingers itch. “Then I take that as a no.”

“You’d be correct. He wasn’t my boyfriend, either… He was just a friend.” She put her hands on her slender hips. “What about your girlfriend?”

“My who?”

“The girl you were with?”

“That was my sister.”

Her head pulled back as if someone snatched her hair and tugged. The flush that was on her cheeks paled. “That was your sister?”

“Yeah. That was Molly.” Then it dawned on me. “You thought she was my girlfriend?”

“You thought he was my boyfriend?”

Fuck, I was an idiot. “You got one now?”

She fought a grin. “No. Do you?”

“I don’t have a boyfriend, no.”

Then she giggled, and I felt that in my bones. “You know what I meant.”

“No, Grace, I don’t have a girlfriend.” I had to tell my dick to chill the hell out, but the only way that was going to happen was if it got away from her. “So, what are you doing here?”
“I have a work thing in the event center, which…” She glanced at her watch and then grabbed my wrist. “I have to get back to, but I’d love to meet for a drink or something before you leave if you can.”

I wanted more than a drink. “We’re taking off early in the morning. Can you do tonight?” Even if she couldn’t do tonight, I’d send the guys back with my truck and rent a car or something to get back home. I’d do anything to spend time with her again.

“Yes, definitely. I’ll be done soon.”

“Name the time and place.”

She smiled shyly and shifted on her feet. “How about we meet at the front entrance? Say an hour?”

“I’ll be there.”

“Great, I can’t wait.”

Neither could I.

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